About me.


Born in Scotland, raised in Switzerland,

I have been very fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscapes that our world has to offer.

When I turned 18, I discovered a deep connection to the stillness of photography and the magic of capturing and recording moments in time.

In 2015, I saved up and before long had bought myself my very first camera. Fast forward to today, and this is where I spend most of my time; Behind the view finder.

A bit about my work:

I avidly photograph everything and anything, especially mountains, architecture, and cars!

I find inspiration in the unique shapes found in natural, urban and automotive environments and features.

Having recently concluded my university studies, I am keen to take the time to explore new areas of photography.

As of late, I’ve expanded into transforming my work from the digital sphere into the physical by making prints of my collections.

Finally, I’d like to thank you personally for taking the time to check out some of my work, and I sincerely hope you find inspiration in my art as I have.

- Mark Holton

Have a great idea for a print? A shoot location to recommend? Just want to share some ideas? General inquiries and requests?

Please feel free to contact me below.

My Instagram